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I had 42 responses for my survey. The results are as follows;
1. What is your main/favourite social media site?
2. What is your main use of social media sites? You can select more than one answer.
There were 3 responses in the comment field for this questions;
> "My business and ideas"
> "Laughing at the cancer on facebook"
> "Sharing photos, more fun, easy, less awkward way to share what's happening in your life"
3. Have you ever deleted/ deactivated you social media site? If YES, Why?
If YES, Why? There were 10 responses in the comment field for this questions;
> "Just wanted a break from social media for a while. In the time my account was 'deactivated' I realised how self-reliant I was on it. Social media is (in someways) very controlling and addictive."
> "Because its too hard to stay in contact with people without it!"
> "for a break - refresh the mind"
> "deactivated it during exams. have reactivated now."
> "To addicted"
> "Drunken posts, to much time on Facebook, yes have reactivated"
> "Bored"
> "Spent to much time on it, realised there were more important things. Then got bored so came back."
> "Boredom"
> "My boyfriend of the time made me. Yes im back online"
4. What percentage of your 'friends' or 'followers' would you speak to in real life?
5. In regards to privacy, How concerned are you about external entities (businesses & advertisers) accessing your data?
My Results
The results were similar to what i was expecting, as the respondents were mostly people in their early teens who are heavily involved with social media, however i did have a couple respondents who were above the age of 30. The most interesting findings, to me, was with question 4 (what percentage of your 'friends' or 'followers' would you speak to in real life), the results in percentage were higher than what i was expecting. I expected it to be a less percentage, as many people in social media will 'friend' someone who they've only met once. I enjoyed this task and found it really interesting to get feedback from my "friends" on facebook. The questions were similar to other surveys on the internet regarding social media, however i feel as though the results i obtained were not as widely spread because the respondents of my survey had too many similar characteristics, ie; age, generation, occupation, etc. etc.
Madden, M. Lenhart, A. Cortesi, S. Gasser, U. Duggan, M. Smith, A. Beaton, M. (2013) Teens, Social Media and Privacy Retrieved from
Madden, M. Cortesi, S. Gers, U. Lenhart, A. Duggan, M. (2012). Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy Retrieved from