Tuesday, 30 July 2013

My Experiences with NCT

Week 2 tutorial task - Part 2. To communicate with my firends and family i rely heavily on my smart phone. I've had an iphone for 5ish years, and have recently made the transition to the Samsung Galaxy (as it was a christmas present last year). I communicate through messaging, calling, MMSing, and many apps including; Snapchat, Viber, Facebook, Instagram, communicating through games eg; Words with Friends, Heytell and email and any new app that is released i will more than likely use it at some point in time. I have always had ipods through highschool when they were first released. I've had about 20+ computers including personal laptops and home desktop computers. I am pretty sure my family has had a household computer since i was 6 years old. At the moment there is 2 laptops in my house, 2 desktop computers, an ipad, a samsung tablet, and many broken ipods and iphones in my draw. Bascially i can not survive without my smartphone or some form of internet to communciate. I was influenced by friends and peers to start using these technologies, and because EVERYONE had them and were using them. Privacy is not too big of an issue for me when i use these technologies as i customise settings to make my content 'private' and, if i feel the need to do so, i can block people specifically from viewing my personal information. Companies like Facebook and Google who collect information about their users... yeah there is defintely some kind of privacy issue there but you are using their software and applications and i guess they gather the info to better improve their products and software and tailor it to their consumers - us. I don't really have that much of an opinion on that matter. I don't have 'internet friends' who i only know on the internet, however i do have friends of friends, or people who i have only met once or twice. The End.

Analytical Tool

The website application i found as an analytical tool of the web is http://socialmention.com/ on this website you can search anything; your name, a product, a business etc, and it will gather data from ALL websites and social media sites where it has been talked about or used. For example i search "1501HUM NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY" and on the first page of results i found all the 2 minute movie videos that have been published from previous students for the video assessment item. Pretty cool huh, i didn't know there was websites and applications available to do that!

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Hey, My name is Ashlee. I am studying a double degree Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Communication. My majors include Marketing, Public Relations and Spanish. I am still unsure about what i want to do when i graduate, but there's plenty of time. I like going to the movies, long walks on the beach etc etc. I am doing NCT because it's part of my PR major, and i am keen to learn more about communication technologies!